We believe these Ten Core Biblical Truths:
I. God is the creator of all things. He has always existed and always will. He exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
II. The Bible is the Word of God--a living spiritual force that equips us to do the will of God.
III. People are God’s most important creation, made in His image to love and to make the world a better place.
IV. The Family is the foundation of society. Marriage between one man and one woman is the foundation of the family. Families bear children and raise them in the knowledge of God for the preservation of good society.
V. Sin is rebellion against God by breaking His law. Sin separates us from God and releases the power of evil. Sin can only be remedied by God’s grace through our faith.
VI. Salvation is justification that results in spiritual birth. Salvation is received by placing faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is secure because it is a completed work of God--Christ earned it, the Father justified us and the Holy Spirit regenerated us.
VII. Jesus Christ is God. He took on humanity to be our Savior. Jesus lived on earth, died for our sins, was buried, rose again on the third day and he will return to reign in glory.
VIII. The Holy Spirit is the third person of The Trinity whose presence lives in those who believe in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit leads us and empowers us to do God’s will.
IX. The Church is the Body of Christ and is comprised of all Christians. The mission of the Church is to lead people all the way from unbelief to becoming Christian leaders who change the world.
X. In the Future, the Tribulation will come, followed by the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus will bring the final judgments on Satan and unbelieving people. He will bless those who love Him and reign in glory in the new Heaven and new Earth.